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Historical replacement of a tap successfully completed
Following the order of the PSE S.A. from May 5 to June 4, 2014, we replaced a worked-out tap Hitachi LRY-C1 into a MR VRD 1300Y in the transformer 250MVA / 400kV. The project took place in Gdansk (Poland), the whole work was done on the site of the transformer’s installation.

The replacement of the tap in such a large unit is a real challenge, therefore, to complete the task we invited our partners: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (Germany), OMICRON electronics GmbH (Austria), Diagnostics Ltd. (Hungary) and renowned experts in the field of electricity, prof. dr. Eng. Ryszard Malewski and Prof. John Subocz, PhD. Eng. (Prof. at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin).

It was the first in Europe (and maybe even in the world) replacement of a tap in such a powerful transformer at the installation site where the main scope of work was carried out inside the transformer. The main difficulties were issues related to maintaining adequate levels of insulation due to the size of a newly built tap, "sterility" during the work as well as constant monitoring of the conditions prevailing in the interior of the transformer.

Despite bad weather conditions all the work went smoothly, following the specialized measurement, we certified the accuracy of the performed work and on June 2014 punctually at noon, the transformer was turned on and put into operation.

The company Energo-Complec was the chief contractor of the order at the power station in Gdansk, belonging to the PSE S.A.

A video coverage will be published soon on the Energo-Complex websites.

Energo-Complex Sp. z o.o.
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