Conference on "Transformers in Operation 2013" behind us
The VII International Scientific and Technical Conference called "Transformers in Operation" was held on 24-26 April 2013 at the Aquarius Spa Hotel in Kolobrzeg (Poland).
As always, also in this year's edition, we did not run out of interesting topics that were presented during six sessions. After each paper presented, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions, which in many cases led to heated discussions.
On the first day, there was already a surprise waiting for the participants - cooking together with Robert Sowa, a chef known from many television programs. Cooking various cuisines of the world at six tables, was a challenge, but above all, great fun and a personal culinary test. Each team prepared a few dishes that we could eat all together at the end of the culinary struggle.
On the second day, had place mostly scientific sessions and their schedule was very tight. Therefore, everybody was even more delighted by another surprise. This time, it was the evening of illusions and tricks, prepared by Maciej Pol, the winner of many international festivals of the art of illusion.
The conference is not only the scientific issues, it was a great occasion to talk about common topics and to get to know each other. We are very pleased that the form of the conference is open and serves not only to deepen professional relationships.
On the last day there was a summary of the conference, being in the same time an invitation to participate in future editions. We believe that there will be as many of them as possible.
Many thanks to all those who influenced the course of events!
The organizers of this year's conference were: Energo-Complex, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Nynas, Omicron. Its contribute had also the Opole Technology University and the West Pomeranian University of Technology.
Soon, you will find a video-coverage of the event on our website. We invite you to follow our page!