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Mining Seminar
Siemianowice Śląskie (Poland), 22 November 2012

In recent years, European economy goes through a path determined by economic priorities and necessity for competition. These tendencies do not pass by energetics, on the contrary, maintenance services as well as people responsible for development planning and investments constantly face the pressure of improving reliability and limiting the resources for current exploitation at the same time. The economic risk of mining facilities’ functioning is determined by a superior rule of providing the work reliability of machines that directly influence the safety of people working underground. In such a situation, finding the compromise between the economic and technical requirements is a huge challenge for technical services of a given facility.

During the meeting which we organize, we will try to present new methods of managing the energetic transformers, being one of the key links of the energetic chain, regarding technical and economic reasons. Taking into account their average age which is almost 30 years, we would like to attract special attention to the aspects connected with their technical condition, proper exploitation, as well as a possibility to prolong the lifetime together with maintaining a high level of reliability.

Thanks to the fact that the meeting is organized under the patronage of the Department of Energy and Mechanics of the State Mining Authority as well as of the Specialist Mining Authority, we hope that the presented ideas and solutions will be constantly evaluated by the experts representing this authority, whether they comply with the mandatory regulation within this scope or not.

We would like to invite you to this meeting. We believe that your devoted time will bring new professional experiences as well as new contacts with colleagues from the business.

- Organizers

Energo-Complex Sp. z o.o.
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
Opole University of Technology
Nynas Poland

The Department of Energy and Mechanics
of the State Mining Authority
The Specialist Mining Authority

22 November 2012

The Park of Mining Metallurgical Traditions
Orzeszkowej Str. 12, 41-100 Siemianowice Śląskie

Wojciech Leśniak
tel. +48 32 775 67 06; mob. +48 607 691 319

The seminar's framework:

Thursday 22.11.2012
1000 - 1130Session I
1130 - 1150Coffee break
1200 - 1330Session II
1345 - 1445Obiad
1500 - 1630Session III, the end of the official part
1630 - 1800Snack
1800„Dwa Braty” concert, Józef and Jan Skrzek

Energo-Complex Sp. z o.o.
Lotników 9
41-949 Piekary Śląskie
+48 32 7756 700
+48 32 7756 702
+48 601 260 808

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