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An account of the conference "Transformers in Operation"
In 25-27 April 2007 the scientific and technical conference "Transformers in Operation" took place in Hotel SENATOR in Kołobrzeg - Dźwirzyno (Poland) and it was focused on the wide spectrum of the problems connected with energy transformers operation. We organized the conference together with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (Germany) and EnergiaPro (Poland). Over 120 people participated in the conference and they represented scientific world (Universities of Technology from Gliwice, Łódź, Opole, Poznań and Szczecin), power stations, power plants and heavy industry companies. The representatives of the companies, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Lithuania and Latvia also took part in the deliberations.

Polish manufacturers, distributors and transmitters were represented by energy distribution concerns (ENERGA, ENION, EnergiaPro, ENEA), power stations: Energetyka Jeleniogórska, ZEORK, Vattenfall, LUBZEL, ZE Białystok, ZE Łódź - Teren, STOEN, ZKE, thermal-electric power stations (Rybnik, Ostrołęka, Zielona Góra, Zespół Elektrociepłowni Warszawskich), transmission companies (PSE Operator). The representatives of big electric energy receivers: Elana Energetyka, KWB Bełchatów were also present. The representatives of the companies producing equipment and diagnosing transformers: ABB, Bezpol, Energoserwis, MCE Idustrietechnik Polska Sp. z o.o., Energo Silesia, GPH Sp. z o.o., ZEP TECH, ZPUE GZE, ENERTEST, ZREW, VOLTEON, PPUH RUDPOL-OPA took part in the conference as well.

The first session, during which Ernesto Perez (UNION FENOSA DISTRIBUCION, Spain) delivered an introducing paper, was concentrated on deformation and mechanical oscillation in a transformer. Rafał Zaleski (Energo-Complex), T. Piotrowski (The Łódź University of Technology) and A. Cichoń and S. Borucki (The Opole University of Technology) presented their papers during the session. The afternoon session of the first day was devoted to the issues connected with wet solid insulation, the paper in this part of conference was delivered by Prof. Stanisław Gubański (Chalmers University, Sweden). In addition the representatives of the Poznań University of Technology: J. Gielniak, H. Morańda, J. Szymański and J. Subocz from the Szczecin University of Technology also expressed their views.

On the second day of the deliberations there was a session focused on transformers operation and technical novelties appearing in the field of transformer equipment. On that day the introducing paper was delivered by Viktor Sokolov (ZTZ Ucraine) and then panel discussion took place, where the details of the chosen issues from the session speeches were debated.

It is worth noting that the latest edition of the guidebook on transformers operation "Transformers in Operation" was handed out to the conference participants.

In the backstage of the conference there were some interesting informal discussions, the results of which will surely result in the deepening of the work on the modern energy transformers diagnostics. The participants unanimously confirmed the purposefulness of the meeting and they emphasized the necessity of its continuation.

After the deliberations the participants of the conference had the chance to relax during the culinary, cabaret and artistic performances.

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