We invite you to the scientific and technical conference
We are honored to invite you to participate in V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Transformers in Operation".
The experience of the last few years show that the way and quality of transformers operation start to play a crucial role in the activity of companies transmitting and distributing electrical energy. New trends in operation consist in the implementation of expert systems of their population management. During our meeting we will present such systems. We will discuss currently emerging problems connected with energy transformers. Both engineers and scientific world will have to face them. We will also present volume 2 of our book series "Transformers Operation".
We have invited distinguished experts from Poland and abroad to participate in the conference with the hope that the exchange of experience with such people will help you to face the forthcoming challenges.
You, dear participants are the most important element of the conference. That is why we hope that the meeting of "transformer group" will be very fruitful for you and that your stay at the conference will be full of nice impressions.