In recent years, the European economy is moving into the direction indicated by the economic priorities and the need of maintaining competitiveness. These trends do not exclude the field of power industry, on the contrary, services dealing with the movement maintenance as well as those ones responsible for planning of the development and investments are under constant pressure to increase reliability while reducing funds for the current operating. Transformers are one of the key link of the power supply chain, both for the technical reasons as well as the economic ones. At the same time statistics show that their average age overruns assumed by the designers time of 30 years. Considering the above, it is clear that their rapid exchange is impossible for technical and economic reasons! The extension of the transformerąs "life" becomes a necessity! Thus as a consequence, the costs and associated with them risks are today one of the most important issues to face by the operating services. This is why we have decided that the next edition of the VII Conference "Transformers in Operation" will be dedicated to the broadly understood issue of extending the transformers' "life" time. Experience shows that the properly utilized transformer can be operated for fifty years or even more!
However, the problems associated with the reliability of all kinds of the transformers' accessories appear much earlier, which significantly affects the reliability of a given unit. It is therefore necessary to develop appropriate procedures taking into account the honest assessment of the technical condition of transformers, to nominate eligible individuals qualifying themselves to the life extension as well as the selection of the optimal range of modernization (if possible on-site installation). The upcoming conference coincides with the 15-jubilee anniversary of our company. To thank you for your trust for the last fifteen years, we have prepared a variety of activities that will make this meeting remain in your memory for a long time!
We would like to kindly invite you to attend this meeting and celebrate with us.
Best regards, on behalf of the organizers
Dr. Engineer Marek Szrot Chairman of the Board
Energo-Complex Sp. z o.o.
The assessment of technical condition of transformers' active part
New technologies and technical solutions in the construction and exploitation of transformers
Monitoring and on-line diagnostics of physical processes in transformers
Diagnosis of paper-oil insulation and insulating bushings
Numerical methods in the analysis of physical processes in transformers
Professor Engineer Dr. hab. Andrzej Demenko – KE PAN, Poznań University of Technology (Poland)
Professor Engineer Dr. hab. Konstanty M. Gawrylczyk - West Pomeranian University of Technology (Poland)
Assistant professor, Dr. Engineer Miroslav Gutten - University of Žilina (Slovakia)
Professor Engineer Dr. hab. Ryszard Malewski – Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Engineer Dr. hab. Krzysztof Siodła, professor at PP - Poznań University of Technology (Poland)
Professor Engineer Dr. hab. Jerzy Skubis – Opole University of Technology (Poland)
Engineer Dr. hab. Jan Subocz, professor at ZUT – West Pomeranian University of Technology (Poland)
Professor Engineer Dr. hab. Romuald Włodek – AGH (Poland)
Professor Engineer Dr. hab Kazimierz Zakrzewski – KE PAN, Łódź University of Technology (Poland)
Engineer Dr. hab. Paweł Żukowski, professor at PL – Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Electrical Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Participation in the conference: 470 € (+ 23% TAX) - accommodation in a double room
540 € (+ 23% TAX) - accommodation in a single room
The fee includes participation in the conference, accommodation, meals and a full set of conference materials. The fee is not refundable in case the participant does not arrive (conference materials will be sent by mail).
There is a possibility to promote companies during the conference as well as in the conference materials.
Payments can be made to the bank account:
ING Bank Śląski S.A. INGBPLPW PL 76 1050 1230 1000 0023 0022 4611 with the annotation "Conference 2013"
Please send us papers along with a brief summary, for an e-mail address: . The papers should be prepared in A4 format in Microsoft Word.
15.01.2013 - papers application
28.02.2013 - submission of the advertisement projects
10.04.2013 - submission of the conference participation
15.04.2013 - payments
Scientific issues - Engineer Dr. hab. Jan Subocz
Tel. +48 91 44943 23, Mob. +48 606 825 459
Application forms should be sent to the address: Energo-Complex Sp. z o.o., Lotników Str. 9, 41-949 Piekary Śląskie (Poland)
or by fax: +48 32 775 67 02, e-mail: